Our Women’s Ministry exists to support and encourage women’s spiritual growth, to help women get to know one another, to provide opportunities for women in the community to know Christ, and to spread the gospel.
We have several strong study groups, as well as regular luncheons to nurture this community among our women.
While most relationships grow through participation in a variety of events and ministry opportunities at University Bible Church, our Women’s Ministry programs provide additional opportunities for women to connect with one another and become strong women of faith. Below are various ways you can join us.
Throughout the year, every other month, we host a Women’s Ministry Luncheon on a Sunday afternoon directly after the morning church service. We enjoy a delicious lunch and hear from a UBC woman who shares about her personal journey with Jesus. God has continually blessed these gatherings and it is always a special time. Be sure to consult the UBC calendar to save the date and attend these events throughout the year.
2024 Luncheons
Please come!
Meets in the Patio Room at 12:15, after the morning service.
Lunch will be served. Childcare provided.
Contact wendy@universitybiblechurch.org for dates.
Women’s Bible Study
There are various small group women’s Bible studies held throughout the year. These groups provide a place to study the Bible in-depth personally and in community with others. You will have the opportunity to wrestle with the tough questions of life, go deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and connect with other women in meaningful conversations about things that matter. For more specific information about these studies (see below) or please contact the church at info@UniversityBibleChurch.org.
3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. — Titus 2:3-5

Monday Night Women’s Bible Study
Mondays, 7:15-8:30pm • Meets at UBC
Monday Night Women’s Bible Study will be taking a break for June and July.
Please check back at a later date for updates for the next study and/or contact Esther and Jessica at esther@universitybiblechurch.org