The Rise of the Beast … and the Return of the King.
Starts Sunday, 1/19/25 at 12:45pm (Patio Room)
Of all the books of Scripture, Revelation gives us the most detailed look at our world during its end. Yet, Revelation is the least preached-on book of the Bible. The images can appear frightening; and the symbolism may seem undecipherable. But God has given us this prophetic book for our understanding. Revelation is meant to comfort the followers of Christ.
In this three-part series, Michael Green will lead us in a study of Revelation chapters 13 & 20-22. We will learn of the future world leader, often called the Antichrist, and his ascension to global rule during the seven-year period known as the Great Tribulation. We’ll examine his tyrannical rule, as he exalts himself as God and makes war on the saints of God, fulfilling the prophecies of Daniel, Jesus, and Paul. He will gather his armies at the place called Armageddon for a final battle. Here, Jesus will return to defeat this false messiah and establish his millennial kingdom, and eternal home.